Abstract:Streptomyces S24 has broad spectrum resistance to the Aspergillus in food and feed, such as Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Asperegillus alutacells and so on. We studied the adsorption and desorption properties of antifungal substance from Streptomyces S24 on macroporous resins, screened the best elution solution and also investigated some physical and chemical characters of antifungal substance by determining the antifugal activity using oxford plate assay system. According to the analysis results, AB-8 resin offered the best adsorption and desorption capacity for antifungal substance and its saturated absorption capacity was 7.0822×104 μg/g, the optimal elution solution was 85% acetone and the dynamic desorption rate could reach 93. 82%. The antifungal substance was stable to heat and alkali, not sensitive to organic solvents, and sensitive to ultraviolet rays and acid. Based on its ultraviolet spectrometry, the antifungal substance was identified as heptaene macrolide antibiotic.