Abstract:[Objective] Several main cultivated and commercial characteristics of the inbred progenies were comprehensively analyzed to inbred desirable new strain of Pleurotus pulmonarius. [Methods] In this study, we used a commercial strain 3108 of P. pulmonarius as inbreeding parent. The mycelia growth rate, yield, fruit body appearance, anti-hybrid bacteria and stress resistance and cultivation cycle were aggregately analyzed to select new cultivated strains. Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) was used to identify genetic differences between new strain and parent strain. [Results] In the inbred progenies, as for mycelia growth rate and fruit body yield, respectively 19.5% and 8.9% of progenies were apparently better than their parent. However, there was no correlation between mycelia growth rate and yield (R=0.102, P>0.05). The cultivation cycle of 37% progenies strains was shorter than their parent. Pileus of 53% progenies strains were the same flat as their parent, and 11% generations strains were thicker than the parent. Range ability of stipe diameter was 5?13 mm and that of stipe length was 21?75 mm. Yellows incidence, withered or dead fruits and malformation accounted for 23%, 19%, and 5%, respectively. [Conclusion] we selected one new strain of P. pulmonarius named as Shenxiu-1 through comprehensive analysis of progenies strains’ characteristics. Shenxiu-1 had fast growth rate, high yield, thick pileus, thick and length stipe, strong anti-hybrid bacteria and stress resistance, and were not easy to be cracked. The average yield per bag of Shenxiu-1 was 334 g in the first three flushes, which increased 7.1% than the parent strain, and the biological efficiency was up to 74%. Moreover, the new strain was stably cultivated. ISSR identification showed that Shenxiu-1 had its own specificity.