Abstract:[Objective] In order to evaluate the application potential of white-rot fungi Irpex lacteus XX-5, Trichaptum abietinum 1302BG, Ceriporia lacerata P2 and Bjerkandera adusta XX-2 in treating Microcystis aeruginosa. [Methods] Batch experiments were carried out to study the effect of pH, temperature, concentration of M. aeruginosa, metal ions, nitrogen source and phosphorus source on inhibition of M. aeruginosa by whiter-rot fungi. [Results] The results showed that under different exogenous conditions, four white fungi all showed good inhibition effect, achieving 60% of inhibiting rate. C. lacerata P2 and B. adusta XX-2 strains were less effected by environmental factors, and the inhibiting rates of both strains were over 70% and 60% respectively. The algal inhibiting rate of T. abietinum 1302BG and I. lacteus XX-5 could be slightly affected by experimental factors, however the inhibiting rates were still over 60%. [Conclusion] Therefore, the four white-rot fungi, especially for C. lacerata P2 and B. adusta XX-2, had a good potential for inhibiting M. aeruginosa.