Abstract:The condition of protoplast preparation and regeneration of Monilia fructigena was studied in this research. The results showed that the composition of cell wall degradative enzymes, liquid medium, mycelial age, digesting temperature and time duration affected the preparation of protoplast. More proto-plast of M. fructigena were yielded when mycelia incubated in Fries(1/2) for 24 h were digested by en-zyme mixture of 10 mg/mL driselase, 20 mg/mL snailase, 5 mg/mL celluase and 10 mg/mL lysozyme for 4 h at 28?C. The protoplast regeneration rate was affected by osmotic solution, solid regeneration medium, and digesting time.The best regeneration of protoplast of M. fructigena was achieved by using STC as isotonic solution and Fries(1/2) solid medium as regeneration medium. The regenerated strain of M. fruc-tigena was same as original strain in colony morphology and pathogenicity.