Abstract:Endophytic fungi inhabited in Ginkgo biloba L. were isolated, and 55 endophyte strains were obtained. Among the strains, 28 produced sterile mycelia on PDA plates, accounting for 50.9% of the total fungi. In addition, there were ten Penicillium spp., six Aspergillus spp., four Alternaria spp. and three Chromosporium spp., and one yeast, Mucor, Acremoniella, and Fusarium, respectively. Antimicrobial activity of fermentation cultures of these 55 strains were investigated against seven tested microorganisms. Twenty-three strains with antimicrobial activity were obtained, among which eleven produced sterile myce-lia, accounting for 47.83% of the fungi with antimicrobial activity. The strain with the highest antimicrobial activity was determined to be Xylaria venosula Speg., according to its morphological features and molecular analysis. As a novel antimicrobial resource, endophytic fungi in G. biloba have a potential prospect.