



Visual analysis of studies on effects of continuous cropping on soil microbial communities based on bibliometrics
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    【背景】作物长期连作会导致土壤环境恶化,破坏土壤微生物群落之间的平衡,影响土壤生态系统的健康。【目的】基于文献计量学方法探讨了作物连作对土壤微生物群落影响相关研究领域的研究现状、热点和发展趋势。【方法】本文利用CiteSpace软件,对Web of Science (WOS)核心数据库中2003−2023年间所收录的连作对土壤微生物群落影响的研究文献进行了可视化分析,分析内容包括了发文国家/地区、机构、作者和关键词等。【结果】通过筛选共获得相关文献1 652篇,出版物数量总体呈上升趋势。结果表明中国在该研究领域发文量逐年增加,2003−2023年间总发文量位居全球首位。发文量最大的机构为中国科学院。以学者Liang Aizhen为核心的研究团队在该研究领域具有较高的影响力。期刊Applied and Environmental Microbiology是该研究领域的核心期刊。在研究内容方面,连作过程中微生物群落与土壤碳氮循环的互作机制是目前的研究热点,土壤微生物群落对耕作措施的响应为该研究领域的重点内容。【结论】文献计量学分析结果表明,综合利用多种微生物学研究方法探究土壤微生物群落在连作过程中介导土壤环境变化对土壤食物网的影响机制是未来研究的主要潜在趋势,今后的研究重点则是关注于连作过程中农业管理方式对土壤微生物群落的调节和改善。


    [Background] Long-term continuous cropping deteriorates the soil environment, disrupts the soil microbial community balance, and impacts soil ecosystem health. [Objective] This paper employed a bibliometric approach to explore the current research status, hotspots, and development trends related to the effects of continuous cropping on soil microbial communities. [Methods] CiteSpace was used for the visual analysis of the studies on the effects of continuous cropping on soil microbial communities that were published from 2003 to 2023 in the Web of Science (WOS) core collection. The analysis involved publishing countries/regions, institutions, authors, and keywords. [Results] A total of 1 652 publications were screened out. The annual number of publications showed a general increasing trend. China’s annual publications in this research field kept growing, with the number of total publications during 2003–2023 ranking first globally. The Chinese Academy of Sciences was the institution with the largest number of publications. The research team led by Liang Aizhen was highly influential. The Applied and Environmental Microbiology was deemed as the core journal in this field. The research hotspots in this field included the interaction mechanisms between microbial communities and the soil carbon and nitrogen cycling during continuous cropping. The responses of soil microbial communities to tillage measures were also a key research area. [Conclusion] The bibliometric analysis suggests that future research should focus on the integrated use of multiple microbiological methods to investigate how soil microbial communities mediate changes in soil environments and food webs during continuous cropping. Additionally, the regulation and improvement of soil microbial communities by agricultural management practices should be a primary focus in the future studies.

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    发 布

杨阳,王鸿,张雪冰,张帆,郝兰兰. 基于文献计量学的连作对土壤微生物群落影响研究的可视化分析[J]. 微生物学通报, 2025, 52(1): 426-444

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  • 收稿日期:2024-04-16
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  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-21
  • 出版日期: 2025-01-20